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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

UAE-Backed Transitional Council Tried to Topple Saudi-Backed Government in Aden

Yemen: A difficult living situation, a catastrophic collapse of the economy, an unprecedented deterioration in services, an 18-hour power outage due to the depletion of fuel, the cessation of the Saudi oil derivatives grant, and the inability of the Maeen government and the UAE transitional council to provide fuel in Aden and the occupied provinces, facts are not denied by any of the internal or external parties to the conflict, but without an actual response.


And while the Saudi-backed government of Maeen appears to be powerless, the leaders affiliated with the UAE hold it responsible for the situation after it reached the brink of bankruptcy. It is about emptying the treasury, and raising the level of poverty and impoverishment of citizens in Aden and the occupied governorates.

Although those affiliated with the UAE are taking advantage of the crisis to settle scores politically with Saudi tools, they are trying to justify preventing the supply of revenues to the Bank of Aden, and placing them in different contexts.

Revolting citizens in the southern governorates against Saudi tools with the aim of overthrowing the government of Rashad and Maeen, is a strategy that seemed clear. It began to be worked on since the beginning of this month, not starting with the al-Muharrami attack, and perhaps not ending with halting and preventing revenues to the Bank of Aden.

Crises grind the citizens here and they feel let down. While the debate and accusations continue between the conflicting forces, (agents and proxies), without any of the parties presenting a practical step to alleviate the impact of an economic and living crisis that has reached an intolerable level. All this has become a fuse for a popular explosion in the faces of mercenaries and countries of aggression alike.

3000 days of the US-Saudi aggression and siege caused humanitarian, economic, social, military, security and political repercussions in the occupied southern governorates, which their effects still present.

It is difficult to overcome these repercussions that the countries of aggression and occupation have nurtured in order to implement their colonial agendas and ambitions in the oil provinces, the eastern coasts, and the island of Socotra, amid the American and British moves to establish military bases on the coasts of Hadramout and Shabwa governorates under the pretext of combating terrorism and combating maritime piracy.

Although the southern governorates were not within the context of conflicts, they turned into an open war arena in which interests and agendas of occupying countries clashed. 

The US-Saudi-UAE occupier destroyed national capabilities such as ports, refineries, airports, and services including electricity, education, communications and health. It also exploited public roads, turning it into demolition shovels used in its criminal scheme.

Over the 3000 days of the aggression, the invaders and occupiers committed thousands of crimes and violations that are shameful. They raided the homes of the citizens, kidnapped and disappeared hundreds of them forcibly. 

Various forms of psychological and physical torture were practiced against detainees in the occupation’s secret prisons, whose number during the year 2019 exceeded about 25 secret prisons and detention centers, including 11 secret prisons in the city of Aden.

Al-Rayyan airports in Hadramout and Al-Ghaida in Al-Mahra and the Balhaf oil port in Shabwa turned into secret prisons run by the Emirati occupation forces.

The US-Saudi-UAE aggression worked to provide a security cover for the activity of terrorist organizations in the governorates of Shabwa, Hadramout and Abyan, and provided logistical, financial and military support to all criminal organizations in the southern provinces.

#US_Saudi_Aggression #Economic_Crisis About 1 year
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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