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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

April 2, Over 9 Years: 60 Casualties in US-Saudi Bombing of Displacement Camps

Yemen: Crimes committed by the US-Saudi aggression have varied and escalated, reaching their peak during the initial three years. Many civilians were compelled to flee the brutality of the aggression, which targeted homes, vital facilities, and those escaping battles in several Yemeni areas, notably the western coast frontlines.

As the military confrontation intensified and the forces of the US-Saudi aggression and their mercenaries escalated in the western coast front since 2017, the horrific massacres increased with targeted airstrikes on peaceful neighborhoods, homes, farms, establishments, markets, and fishing boats. There was no alternative left for the residents of the areas on the frontlines in Hodeidah but to head to displacement and shelter camps for refuge, where they would receive scant food and bedding, provided by the United Nations as a "bait" that facilitated the enemy's funded hunters in capturing those fleeing civilians seeking help and assistance.

While children played, ran, and laughed beside tents set up for their families, enjoying their innocent sounds echoing from behind the columns and drums, the enemy's aircraft hovered heavily in the sky of Hodeidah, commencing its airstrikes on gatherings of children and their families' tents in Saleh City with brutal raids. The scene quickly turned from laughter to burning tents with those inside, charred bodies, and torn limbs, mixing the displaced with their families and neighbors in the crime scene, with children's hands here, and limbs there, severed limbs, and piles of human flesh containing the bodies of individuals from different families and ages.

Red Cross teams and paramedics worked to collect the torn bodies, with one picking up a child's foot, another retrieving a head, one emerging from outside the wall holding half a body, and another carrying a completely charred body. The bodies and limbs of children were sorted into separate white bags, while those of women were placed in separate drums, and the bodies and limbs of men were also separated. 

These are genocidal crimes against the Yemeni people as a whole, carried out deliberately and premeditatedly, without regard for laws, conventions, or divine laws. They are heinous aggressive crimes that confirm that those who commit them, participate in them, or remain silent about them have no connection to Islam. Islam is innocent of them and their savagery and practices. Instead, it confirms that those who commit these crimes are linked to the United States and Israel.

After the ambulance cars departed from the scene, survivors were left to gather what remained of the hair and brains of women from their families, speaking with agony, sadness, and pain, questioning, "What does the enemy seek to gain from this crime? What will they gain from killing women and children?"

Another survivor passionately and mournfully exclaimed, "We are Muslims, and we declare there is no god but Allah. We are not Jews or infidels, yet they treat us with such cruelty."

Yet another survivor asked, "They destroyed our homes in Hais, and we came to this camp to seek safety for our families and ourselves. So why do they pursue us and kill us in this place supposedly protected by the international community, as they claim?"

The genocidal airstrike by the US-Saudi aggression on displacement camps in Saleh City resulted in 24 martyrs and 36 wounded, with the majority being children and women.


April 2, 2015: US-Saudi Airstrikes Target Al-Malihit Market in Sa'adah

On April 2, 2015, markets and gatherings became significant targets for airstrikes by the US-Saudi aggression, aiming to commit heinous crimes and massacres in an attempt to instill terror and fear in the hearts of citizens and undermine their morale.

Al-Malihit Market in the Al-Dhahir district of Sa'adah Governorate was struck by airstrikes from enemy aircraft, destroying several buildings, commercial shops, a fuel station, and transportation means for citizens, causing significant property damage estimated in the millions.

The aggression's airstrikes led to the complete destruction of Al-Malihit Market, its commercial shops, fuel station, and several means of transportation, damaging the goods inside. This illustrates the nature of early economic warfare and an attempt to starve the people by targeting food stores and imposing a blockade to prevent ships from reaching the ports of Hodeidah as occurred later.


April 2, 2015: Aggression's Airstrike Targets Car of Displaced Citizen in Sa'adah

On April 2, 2015, the targeting of homes and killing of those inside was not the sole aim of the US-Saudi aggression, but also the pursuit by its warplanes of those attempting to flee to displacement camps in the early stages of the aggression. This confirms that killing Yemeni people is a strategic objective for the enemy, and it seeks to achieve it with all its plans, capabilities, and resources.

The airstrike resulted in the martyrdom and injury of family members, with the car destroyed on the side of the road, bloodshed, and scattered remains in the mountains, roads, among trees and mountains, and slopes, in a scene that reveals the extent of the enemy's savagery and crime. It illustrates its thirst for destruction and genocide, exporting horrific scenes and a permanent station in the hearts of those passing by that road and in the memory of the Yemeni people over the past nine years.


April 2, 2018: Shelling on Citizens' Homes in Sa'adah

On the morning of April 2, 2018, in the fourth year since the start of the US-Saudi aggression on Yemen, mercenaries launched intense rocket and artillery shelling on the homes of citizens in the border district of Razih in Sa'adah Governorate as a continuous military target.

The rocket and artillery shelling on citizens' homes resulted in injuries to several children and women, damage to their homes and properties, and planted fear and terror in their hearts.

On the same day, in the same governorate, the aggression's mercenaries shelled the border area of Al-Raqqa in the Haydan district, resulting in injuries to several children and women according to documented scenes, and direct damage to homes, properties, farms, cattle, and cows.

#Yemen #US-Saudi Aggression About 3 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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