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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Sayyed Abdulmalik Advises US-Saudi Aggression to Transit From De-escalation to Peace 

Yemen: Yemen enters a new phase in its confrontation with the US-Saudi aggression coalition, titled "Transitioning from De-escalation to Peace." 


This phase was called for by Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi in his speech on the occasion of the National Day of Resilience, marking nine years since the aggression on our country. However, the Saudi regime refuses to heed this advice, and the overall scene remains one of procrastination and reluctance to embrace peace.


It has become clear to everyone, including the Emirati and Saudi regimes, that Yemen has become a major regional power today, with advanced military capabilities that pain Abu Dhabi and Riyadh. This compels them to reluctantly accept a diminished peace. However, the revolutionary leadership wants to give the enemy and the adversary a chance to save face and to hasten the implementation of what has been agreed upon in previous negotiations.

Aden Governor Tariq Salam emphasized that Yemen can no longer tolerate Saudi procrastination or running after American, British, and Israeli interests, which they are using to maintain the status quo, which undoubtedly harms the coalition of aggression countries.

He explained that Yemen will not accept remaining in a state of non-peace, non-war, and under the mercy and suffering of the occupying enemy. He reaffirmed that Yemen's conditions and demands are clear, and they must choose what is in everyone's interest, with no room for negligence or abandonment.

He indicated that the clear and explicit call of the leader confirms beyond doubt that the Yemeni leadership is keen to achieve the interests and aspirations of the Yemeni people for a life of dignity, freedom, and peace, and also for the benefit of other Arab peoples to enjoy security and stability.

He emphasized that peace, sought by Yemenis after nine years of aggression, blockade, and atrocities, is a legitimate right and just demand. It is incumbent upon those responsible for this destruction and suffering to realize what they must do and fulfill their obligations and repair the damage caused by the killing and destruction machinery inflicted upon the Yemeni people.

He said, "Yemen today, after this decade of suffering and siege, is stronger than ever before, fully prepared to face any challenges and obstacles imposed by the enemy at any time and place, regardless of the cost."

He added, "Naturally, the forces of the Saudi coalition are under significant American and British pressure, and they must rid themselves of it and choose their interests and the interests of their peoples, rather than being puppets in the hands of tyrants and criminals who only seek their own interests, exploit Arab wealth, and plunder what serves their criminal and destructive projects that harm the peoples of the nation and target the future of their generations."

Avoiding Peace is Condemnable

Regarding the call of the leader for the coalition of aggression countries to transition from de-escalation to the peace phase, the advisor to the Yemeni presidency office, Saleh al-Sahmi, confirmed that it is an opportunity for the Saudi and Emirati aggression coalition to exit the war and escape the consequences of continuing aggression against the Yemeni people.

Al-Sahmi emphasized that the aggression coalition must seriously deal with the speech of the leader, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, and support it, and be more serious in the peace file, especially since the leader spoke about the requirements of peace and the necessity of implementing them fully without compromise.

He said, "The aggression coalition must untangle itself from the American agenda because the cost will be very high, and this affiliation will reflect on their security and stability, in addition to the significant collapse that will occur in the Saudi and Emirati economies and the economies of the military alliance countries against Yemen."


He added, "Therefore, we see that their salvation depends on their seriousness in striving for a comprehensive and just peace agreement with Yemen. This file is the only guarantee to maintain the security and stability of the region, especially at this stage and the repercussions of militarizing the Red Sea by the American administration and its allies in the region and the world."


Al-Sahmi affirmed that the American administration will not allow them to proceed with comprehensive and permanent peace procedures because the foreign policy of the American administration is based on exporting problems, conflicts, and igniting wars in the region and the world.

He emphasized that the Yemeni Armed Forces possess many capabilities that will impose a new reality that will surprise the world, indicating that what Yemen has witnessed in the past nine years locally, in terms of resilience, steadfastness, and confrontation of the military aggression on Yemen, is the best evidence of that.

He pointed out that Yemen today, in inaugurating its tenth year of resilience, has become an influential force internationally and regionally, relying on the honorable stance taken by the Yemeni people and the Armed Forces in supporting Gaza and directly confronting the evil trio of the American, British, and Israeli in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Regarding the features of the coming phase, al-Sahmi emphasized that the future depends on the credibility and seriousness of bin Salman regarding the Yemeni peace file, as well as the developments in Palestine and the continuation of aggression and blockade on the Palestinian people in Gaza, and the Russian-Western developments in Ukraine.

He explained that all these events will have negative repercussions on the region and the world if the issues remain open and the wars continue, confirming that the positive reflections lie in closing these files, stopping the attacks, ending the wars and blockades, and refraining from American-Western interventions in the internal affairs of countries.

A Reality Different from Before

For his part, Ahmed al-Saadi says that the desire for peace was expressed by Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi by calling for an end to the aggression since his first speech after the treacherous night of March 26, 2015. Everyone knows that Yemen did not start responding to the Saudi aggressor until after forty days and after ensuring that the aggressor would not stop his aggression.

He added, "As for the new call, its particularity lies in the fact that it comes at a time when the Yemeni Armed Forces have reached their peak strength and have come to realize the American, British, and Zionist evil collectively. They are the ones on whom the Arab aggressor countries rely, thinking that they are guaranteed protection. However, the greatest disappointment is that the guardians of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates - US, UK and Israel - have become incapable of protecting their ships."

He continued, "I do not know how the aggression countries will respond to the new call for a fair peace, believing that the situation of the aggression countries resembles that of Netanyahu in Gaza, if not more difficult in terms of failing to achieve any of the objectives of the aggressive war here and there, and the difficulty of admitting defeat and leaning towards the peace imposed by the facts on the ground."

Translated by Almasirah English website

#US_Saudi_Aggression #US-UK Aggression About 3 months
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