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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Yemen's Military Technological Advancements A Strategic Shift in Naval Warfare

Yemen: The diverse military arsenal possessed by the Yemeni Armed Forces has stirred a lot of surprise, causing a state of severe confusion among the trio of evil: America, Britain, and Israel.


Statements from American officials confirm their intelligence failure and ignorance of the reality of Yemen's military arsenal, as well as their lack of knowledge about the technology possessed by Yemen, which clearly surpasses American and British warships, frigates, and other military vessels.

Yemen has achieved significant advancements in the production of ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as drones, in recent years, demonstrating their effectiveness by using them to disrupt Israeli navigation in the Red and Arabian Seas, all the way to the Indian Ocean, as well as in direct confrontations with America and Israel.

Dramatic Development

Regarding the potent arsenal held by Yemen’s Armed and Naval Forces, particularly ballistic missiles, military affairs researcher Zein Al-Abidin Othman confirmed that Yemen’s navy currently possesses a formidable arsenal of advanced armaments, which have dramatically evolved to technological levels competing with the best globally renowned countries such as Russia, China, and others.

Othman stated in an exclusive interview with "Almasirah" that Yemen’s navy's missiles, particularly ballistic and cruise missiles, are highly advanced and possess technological and operational characteristics capable of competing with the best Russian anti-ship missile groups like Kalibr and Oniks. He noted that the operations executed by “our naval forces against the American, British, and Zionist ships have proven the impact and power of these missiles”, which have managed to carry out extremely precise strikes against American destroyers in the Red and Arabian Seas, and the Gulf of Aden.

He reiterated that the American enemy still suffers from a serious technological setback from these missiles, which surpass their technologies and superior air capabilities. American destroyers and ships deployed in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden have been unable to equip themselves against these missiles, despite being prepared to confront the threat of high-speed Russian and Chinese missiles.

Othman explained that advanced electronic warfare systems, monitoring devices, radar sensing, and American SM-6 and SM-2 missile defense systems have all failed to protect American and Zionist ships passing through the Red Sea or even protect themselves from attacks by Yemen’s ballistic missiles.

He stated that one of the most important aspects is that the fleets and ships of the American enemy are targeted with ballistic missiles, marking the first time in the history of naval warfare. 

There were no expectations for the American enemy that ballistic missiles would become a deadly naval weapon against fleets and warships. Therefore, American leadership, especially the Fifth Fleet in the Middle East, is in a state of severe confusion and fear due to this issue, and they have implicitly acknowledged the complete strategic failure that has affected their latest naval fleets in confronting this type of missile.

He confirmed that ballistic missiles are a new achievement for Yemen’s naval forces, representing an unprecedented technological breakthrough, placing Yemen among the most advanced missile states globally. 

He emphasized that the American, British, and Zionist alliance is still in a state of shock and confusion, having begun to implicitly recognize the collapse of their technologies in battle and the entry of Yemen into a new stage of military strength and strategic power.

Pure Yemeni Military Capabilities

On his part, military expert and analyst Mohammed Al-Khaled confirmed that the use of ballistic missiles by the Yemeni Armed Forces is clear evidence of qualitative development in Yemen's ballistic and missile weaponry in recent years.


He explained that the Yemeni missile forces have managed, in a short period, specifically in the last four years of aggression against Yemen, to accomplish this task as a necessity to confront American naval arrogance in the Arabian and Red Seas.

He added that ballistic missiles have greater destructive capabilities and the ability to target movement and control centers on these warships and commercial vessels. He noted that the enemy believed that Yemen was incapable of targeting these ships through naval confrontation, especially since the enemy possesses radars, early warning systems, and sea-to-land missiles launched from ships to land, capable of destroying any threat to these ships.

Al-Khaled emphasized that Yemen’s ballistic missiles have managed to surpass these devices and this technology on enemy ships, as well as the ability to target them while in motion. He describes this as the greatest challenge for these missile forces since targeting naval vessels and moving commercial ships is very difficult. However, our forces have sunk more than one ship while in motion in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, or the Gulf of Aden during these past five months of the unjust war against Gaza.

He concluded by saying that during this short period, the Yemeni naval forces in the army have managed to cover them with a large quantity of missiles, with a force and momentum that have astonished the enemy, entering them into a state of hesitation until now. 

He indicated that this development in Yemen's military capabilities and possession of destructive technology capable of destroying these ships and sinking them in the sea is only the beginning, reaffirming that the leader Sayyed Abdulmalik has repeatedly affirmed that there are pure and advanced Yemeni military preparations and capabilities unknown to the enemy, and the days are pregnant with surprises.

#US-UK Aggression About 3 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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