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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

Western Naval Withdrawals: A Seismic Shift in the Red Sea Dynamics

Yemen: The numbers of Western warships off the coast of Yemen have significantly decreased, especially with the retreat of the German frigate "Die Fregatte Hessen" after its failure to confront Yemeni Armed Forces, citing technical problems. 


Additionally, the Danish frigate "Ever Houwefieldt" returned to Denmark after its air defense systems failed to operate against Yemen’s drones, followed by the departure of the French ship "Alsace" due to depleted supplies. Just a few days ago, it became known that the Belgians canceled the deployment of the frigate "Louise Marie."

Focusing on these changes, the only remaining American ships in the Red Sea are the destroyer "USS Carney," which the Pentagon announced in December had engaged 14 Yemen drones, along with the British destroyer "Diamond" and the Dutch navy's frigate "Tromp." Consequently, America and its supposed allies find themselves strategically failing in the Red Sea, facing repeated withdrawals of Western warships.

Defensive Fragility and Catastrophic Failure

In this context, military affairs researcher Zain Al-Abidin Osman pointed out that "the state of failure experienced by America and its allies is expanding to new levels of failure and defeat, as all the ships and destroyers deployed by America in the Red Sea have shown significant failure in confronting our armed forces."

Osman stated in an interview with "Almasirah" that "technically, the ships and frigates, especially the British, Danish, and French, have catastrophically failed to protect themselves from missile and drone attacks, transforming from superior forces to entities of weakness, failure, and easy destruction."

He added, "Hence, the withdrawal of some countries participating with America, pulling their frigates from the Red Sea, such as Britain withdrawing HMS Richmond, Denmark withdrawing Ever Houwefieldt, and France withdrawing FREMM Alsace, confirms the collapse of the capabilities of these frigates in confrontation, revealing the fragility of their defensive technologies in providing any protection or accomplishment. Therefore, there is no choice but for these countries to decide to withdraw their ships before they are subjected to destructive and sinking strikes."

He continued, "Belgium's recent announcement that it will not send its frigate to the Red Sea is an additional step confirming that the countries participating with America in the so-called Prosperity Alliance are convinced of complete defeat and incapacity. Engaging in confrontation amid the operational hell imposed by the Yemeni navy is considered complete suicide and an adventure that will cost them dearly in the destruction and sinking of their ships and warships."

Osman indicated that "the withdrawal of frigates at this time means a decisive blow to the Western alliance formed by America against Yemen, shattering all the bets relied upon by the American enemy to protect its ships and those of the Zionist entity."

He explained that "the continued withdrawal from the American alliance ranks confirms the opening of a new phase of confrontation, where America and Britain will be alone against our navy, which will focus its efforts on punishing the remaining ships and destroyers, exerting strategic pressure that will lead the American and British navies to complete defeat."

Military affairs researcher Zain Al-Abidin Osman expected that "the confrontation in the coming days will be entirely different, and Yemen’s naval operations will not suffice with inflicting damage on the enemy's ships. Instead, they will develop offensive actions and missile fire intensity to the point of destroying the ships and sinking them to the bottom of the sea."

American Pressure


Executive Director of the Center for Political and Strategic Studies Abdul Aziz Abu Talib said that "at the beginning of the US-British aggression on Yemen earlier this year, the two countries sought to form a naval alliance to prevent the Yemeni navy from supporting the Palestinian people. However, this step failed when many countries disowned and distanced themselves from this alliance."

Abu Talib added in a statement to "Almasirah": "But with American pressure on Europe, the latter formed a naval alliance and sent frigates and warships to the Red Sea to engage in fierce battles with the Yemeni navy, as well as with the air force through missiles and drones, leading to their failure in confronting the Yemeni forces, in addition to depleting their stock of expensive missiles."

He explained that the reason for the withdrawal and escape of Western naval units is twofold: first, their failure in battles with the Yemeni forces and their inability to endure human losses on behalf of the Zionist entity; and second, the depletion of their ammunition from missiles and shells, which were previously drained over two years in support of Ukraine, consuming European and American weapon stores. 

Additionally, there is a technical reason: these units are relatively old and no longer qualified to engage in modern warfare.

Abu Talib concluded by saying, "Therefore, the decision was to flee from the Red Sea, especially since the targeted ships are only related to the Zionist entity, meaning that the ships and trade of European countries are safe and do not need a failed adventure in advance."

These repeated European withdrawals come after proving the futility of their presence at sea and their constant drain, especially considering the high cost of tracking Yemeni missiles and drones. 

They also come after the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik, advised European countries to withdraw their naval units and not to follow the American and British enemy, affirming that there is no need for European countries to have military deployments at sea, as their ships and navigation pass smoothly without any obstacles. And that the Yemeni operations have proven to only target the Zionist entity, meaning ships heading to the ports of occupied Palestine, or military units participating in hostile operations against Yemen.

These withdrawals are reminiscent of the early beginnings of forming what was called the "Prosperity Alliance," which began to erode with each member state withdrawing one after the other before even officially announcing any real operation. 

However, the American pressure quickly returned European countries to align within its alliance to protect the Zionist entity, with some countries succumbing to pressure and entering into a new alliance called "Aspides." 

However, what happened in the past few weeks confirms that the European alignment with the American side has begun to quickly erode, considering the repeated withdrawals by European frigates, and all these data confirm, without a doubt, that the West and America are facing extremely difficult circumstances, and it is not unlikely that they will become convinced of the continuity of failure, leading to inevitable defeat.

#US-UK Aggression About 9 months
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This page is the English version of Almasirah Media Network website and it focuses on delivering all leading News and developments in Yemen, the Middle East and the world. In the eara of misinformation imposed by the main stream media in the Middle East and abroad, Almasirah Media Network strives towards promoting knowledge, principle values and justice, among all societies and cultures in the world

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